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15 responses


What is the overall purpose of our school?

Providing as safe of an environment as possible for our students to grow both academically and socially. To help our students understand the value in taking on challenging tasks.
To build a positive and supportive atmosphere where every student, no matter their ability level.
To provide a safe learning environment that students look forward to coming to each day.
To educate our students both academically and socially so they can become successful high school students and then successful adults.
To build fearless learners, leaders and teammates of character.
To help prepare our students for the future while also helping them live in today and feel a sense of belonging at HMS
To encourage and facilitate excellence
To create a safe environment where all students enjoy spending time embracing learning that is fun and memorable.
To prepare our students for high school academically and socially. To provide opportunities for advanced learning and fundamental academic skills.
To educate in a safe, loving environment
To help prepare students for their lives in the 21st century, teaching them to think critically and work collaboratively with others.
Heritage offers a place to grow academically and socially.
For students to learn knowledge which will benefit their future lives and community in a safe and welcoming environment.
To evoke a lifestyle of "continual learning" within our students. I believe the most important challenge of life is realizing we have to keep learning through experiences, challenges and perhaps most importantly, mistakes.
To provide students a safe and healthy environment in which they can earn the best education possible.

What distinguishes our school from others?

Our school culture from the leadership down. Solid caring staff all around.
We continuously look to improve ways to create opportunities for our students to grow and learn; and not just academically.
The number of opportunities students have to participate in something outside the school day
The pride that our school has and the comaradarie that exists between everyone from the students, the staff, and anyone who may come into our building.
the character of who works there
The staff
Staff cohesiveness, dedication, love of teaching and children.
We create a fun culture and still get the job done
I think we look at the whole child not just what we see on a standardized test. We take into account all aspects of their lives.
We have a staff that cares about students as whole people, and we seek to teach them in ways that are best practice.
Pride and quality
The genuine joy that our staff has for the work we are blessed to do.
Going into my first year with Heritage, I believe our ability to view ourselves as a family that helps each other sets us apart from others.
We are a family, a real community.
Our community

Above all else, what is the most important?

My students feeling like they can trust me to always be there for them in learning and life.
The students
Building positive relationships with students and staff.
that we challenge kids to be problem solvers and critical thinkers.
Mistakes do not equate to failure. They only mean you have to try something new. Embrace that sensation of change.
To build self esteem in the student and provide an environment where they feel safe. It's not always about the grade! We want to hopefully have all kids have a positive self-worth when they leave Heritage!
"Commitment" to provide the best education to our students.
Kids - their current needs and their future
Educating our students to help them become successful adults after high school (setting the foundation for their future).
Our students well being mentally, emotionally and physically.
Care for students and let them know that their teachers support them in their educational journey.
That all our students feel safe and have worth.
Be kind to one another

In terms of our values, what values guide individual behavior and school practice?

Background and education, as well as personal educational experiences
Empathy, positive role models, love of learning
I think the PRIDE characteristics are an awesome sight to see in the front of our building.
Respect! Love, passion, drive, hard work!
Collaboration, Reflection, Respect, Trust, Honesty, Evolution, Innovation, Uniqueness and Inclusive.
By each person having pride in themselves it will cause everyone to have pride in school and the school to be a productive place for everyone who enters.
respect teamwork
Showing support for the effort given rather than statistical results can promote students' self desire to grow intellectually as well as personally. Everyone wants support behind their actions. I believe promoting the effort of great actions provides even greater mentalities.
Professionalism Honesty Care/concern Collaboration
Not one of the 7 but accountability is a value our students should start to practice. "I forgot" is no longer acceptable.
Honesty, trust, determination and dedication
hard work, responsibility, & believing it's possible for all to learn
Making decisions that is best for students to achieve success in a safe climate.
Accountability, dependability, enthusiasm for learning, understanding
Once again, I think providing kids the oppurtunity to be individuals instead of just 8th graders goes along way. Also get to know the kid as a kid not just as a school id number. Let them know that you make mistakes and don't always make the right choice all the time either. Praise kids as often as you can. Sometimes we have to really search but all kids have some positive attributes and they need to hear about them as often as possible. Self worth goes a long way!!!!!!

Number of daily responses

August 9, 20153
August 10, 20152
August 12, 20152
August 13, 20152
August 14, 20151
August 16, 20151
August 17, 20153
August 18, 20151